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Dave R
I am the webmaster, editor and moderator and thus responsible for all information displayed on this website. I am not a doctor or medical professional but am a long-term neuropathy sufferer, teacher and writer of articles on the subject for other websites. My aim is to provide as much information as possible in one place, for other people who either have neuropathy and HIV, or are interested in the subject.

The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Use of this site should in no way replace the consultation of a skilled professional. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website. We are not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through this website.

The contents of articles are the responsibility of the original writers and the original source. The contents are provided as an information source only and are only edited to fit the Blogger format - no content is changed in that process.
Comments can be made via the 'comment' facility and will be treated with discretion (no names or email addresses will be open to the public. However, any complaints about article content must be taken up with the original author or source (a link is always provided under each article).
As moderator I reserve the right to remove any offensive material submitted in comments and will not allow the comments facility to be used for advertising.

This site respects the legal requirements, including those
concerning medical and personal information privacy, that apply in the Netherlands.

 This site provides medical/health information or advice by means of articles gathered from across the Internet. These articles are always referenced back to their original URL. Some articles do not have a specific author but are produced by the organisation/hoster/webteam of the original site - going back to the original site will confirm this. All posts on this Blog are visible to everyone. Any author, of either a post, article, video, or a comment can have their post removed immediately if they so wish, by contacting the moderator here: (Please give a clear reference to the article or text in question.) Modification of article content is only possible at the original source (see link under each post). If you wish your modifications to appear here, then once again, an email will ensure that is done.

 Please also visit:-


and 'The Body' Blog:


The aim is to exchange news, information, experiences, tips and hints about the disease and its treatment. There is relatively little information on the web for patients who have both HIV and neuropathy, so maybe something you read here or on the website will help you live with the condition more comfortably. All constructive, helpful (or even downright funny... we all need a laugh!) comments are welcome.

Dave Richardson (webmaster and editor) Amsterdam, The Netherlands


  1. please let me know which strain of cannabis to take for peripheral neuropathy that will minimize the high effect and still provide pain relief. thank you

  2. Use the contact form to send me your mail address and I will provide links to help with your question.
    Dave R

  3. It’s been almost three years since I had to quit working due to the pain of my neuropathy. I have a SSDI hearing in a month, I have an attorney representing me. If I don’t get a decision in my favor, I don’t know what I’ll do. I am at my wits end with the government screwing me around on this. Any suggestions on winning my case would be appreciated. The depression from all of this is almost unbearable. Thanks for any suggestions.

  4. Try reading these posts here on the blog - they may offer some more information
    Good luck
    If the link fails, type 'social security' in the search box on the home page.
    Dave R


All comments welcome but advertising your own service or product will unfortunately result in your comment not being published.