Friday, 20 September 2013

Vitamin C And Neuropathy (Vid)

Today's short video comes from a series of videos about neuropathy and the various ways of treating it, made by Dr. John Hayes Jr. (see link below). Regular readers of the blog will have seen several of these videos before and they can be useful for people wondering about vitamins and supplements which may be helpful in combatting their neuropathy symptoms. Don't jump to conclusions though. It is most unlikely that you will feel any benefit by taking a few vitamin C tablets, for a few weeks - talk it over with your doctor - you may have a deficiency in certain vitamins and or minerals that can have a bearing on your neuropathy problems. If that's the case, then you may be justified in taking vitamin supplements but otherwise, a good diet will go a long way to providing you with the vitamins and minerals you need. If you don't want to discuss it with your doctor, do as much research as you can (there are other articles on this site too) but beware of so-called 'miracle cures' and 'formulas' - there are a lot of people who are quite happy to relieve you of your hard earned money for no reward.

Episode 25 – Vitamin C
Posted by John Hayes Jr Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

The relationships between vitamin C, immunity, chronic pain, and neuropathy.

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