Saturday 25 January 2014

Neuropathy In The Winter

Very topical at the moment in the Northern hemisphere (and in 6 months, applicable to the Southern hemisphere too) today's post from (see link below) gives some helpful and timely hints about taking care in the winter if you have neuropathy. It's all to do with lack of feeling in your feet and hands and not being able to judge your footing in slippery circumstances. It's vital that you are always aware of the possibility of falling. Many neuropathy patients suffer broken bones from falls in the winter purely because the wrong signals reach your brain. This article is simply put and worth a read, if only to remind you of what you are probably already well aware of.

Tips for Managing Neuropathy During Winter 
January 15, 2014 Dana-Farber 

Staying warm and healthy during the winter can be challenging for anyone in most parts of the country, but it can be especially difficult for cancer patients, particularly those who may be experiencing treatment-related neuropathy.

Peripheral neuropathy is a temporary or long-lasting nerve problem that may occur as a result of certain chemotherapy drugs. It can cause pain, numbness, tingling, or loss of feeling, usually in the hands or feet, making snowy weather and freezing temperatures all the more challenging.

Clare Sullivan, BNS, MPH

“Peripheral neuropathy occurs from certain treatments affecting the nerves in the body, especially the nerves that sense pain, heat, cold, touch, balance, and fine motor movement,” says Clare Sullivan, BSN, MPH, Clinical Program Manager, Patient Education at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, who urges patients with neuropathy to take extra precautions in cold weather.

If you experience numbness in the hands and feet as a result of cancer treatment, consider these tips from Sullivan:

Keep hands and feet warm and dry

Invest in good, warm gloves and extra socks during the winter. Layers will help keep your hands and feet dry, which may help ease numbness in colder weather.

Wear boots with traction

This will create an extra layer between your feet and the snow or ice, giving you additional protection against the elements, while helping keep you steady on slippery ground and prevent falls.

Dress warm

Wear a warm coat with thick padding to protect your body, especially your lower arms. Staying warm will help maintain circulation to and from the hands, and may lessen pain and help maintain your range of motion.

Walk with hands out of pockets

Keep your hands free and stretched out to prevent falls and protect yourself when they do occur. Rather than confining your hands to your pockets, which can create cramping and increase the likelihood of falls, wear warm gloves and keep your hands free instead.

View this Dana-Farber Slideshare presentation to learn more about neuropathy diagnosis, treatment, and management from Cindy Tofthagen, PhD, ARNP, an assistant professor of nursing at the University of South Florida, and post-doctoral fellow at Dana-Farber and the University of Massachusetts.

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