Tuesday 6 May 2014

2014 National Neuropathy Awareness Week

Today's post from neuropathy.org (see link below) is the annual reminder that during one week of the year, many people in the Neuropathy Association try to substantially increase awareness of neuropathy, its scale and its problems. This year it takes place in the third week of May and deserves the attention of everybody living with the disease. Individuals are often not heard but large organisations including thousands of people can make a difference.

Let’s Fight for A Future Without Neuropathy During Our “2014 National Neuropathy Awareness Week” Campaign
Neuropathy Association 2014

More than 20,000,000 -- or 1 in 15 -- Americans are afflicted by neuropathy, and many of them do not even know they have it. Even though it is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. and one of the most common chronic neurological diseases, neuropathy is often misunderstood, misdiagnosed and underdiagnosed, and inadequately treated. However, early diagnosis and treatment is critical to preventing and slowing the progression of neuropathy.

Since 1995, The Neuropathy Association has been working to change the public’s perception of neuropathy and help patients, health care providers, and the public at large understand the true scope of this debilitating disease. And since 2005, The Neuropathy Association has annually designated the third week of May as National Neuropathy Awareness Week on the federal government’s calendar of National Health Observances.

We recognize that neuropathy is a 24/7/365 battle for more than 20,000,000 people in the U.S. … until we find better treatments and cures for neuropathy, every week is National Neuropathy Awareness Week, every day is Neuropathy Awareness Day. And, so our mission is 24/7/365; but during National Neuropathy Awareness Week, we push ourselves and our community—patients, caregivers, and professionals—to help us take neuropathy awareness to the next level. Awareness and understanding of this disease—and its impact—are the drivers for allocating more funding for neuropathy research, developing more programs for the neuropathy community, and, ultimately, finding more therapies and cures.

During National Neuropathy Awareness Week, let’s fight neuropathy together by:

- recognizing the early symptoms and signs of neuropathy;

- getting an early and accurate diagnosis and treatments by working with expert health care professionals to prevent and/or minimize progression of neuropathy and its complications; and

- helping the public learn about neuropathy and its risk factors.

Visit www.neuropathy.org in the coming weeks for information about National Neuropathy Awareness Week events, media opportunities, and other ways to get involved!


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