Tuesday 27 May 2014

How Your Neuropathy May Be Diagnosed (Vid)

Today's video from mskcc.org (see link below) is produced by the memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and is naturally aimed at chemotherapy patients who have suffered nerve damage due to the drugs. It goes on to explain how a diagnosis is made and what possible procedures are used to do that. However, the testing procedures apply to neuropathy from all causes and it is therefore a useful guide to what may happen during your diagnostic process whether you have cancer or not. However, mainly due to cost, most doctors will come to the conclusion that you have peripheral neuropathy long before the results of such tests are known and decide not to carry them out. This doesn't mean that they are neglecting you, it just means that they are making a reasoned diagnosis based on the evidence they already have. Thanks to the unique symptoms of neuropathy, your own story may well give them enough to go on and begin treatment.

Video: Diagnosing Chemotherapy-Induced
Peripheral Neuropathy

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Memorial Sloan Kettering occupational therapist Gabrielle Miskovitz explains that your doctor or therapist will first review your chemotherapy regimen, symptoms, and preexisting medical conditions to identify causes of peripheral neuropathy. Your specialist may then examine your skin for cuts and injuries, which can occur due to decreased sensitivity from neuropathy, and also evaluate your reaction to light touch, sensitivity to sharp and dull stimulation, finger muscle strength, reflexes, balance, and autonomic symptoms.

Some doctors recommend neurophysiologic tests such as electromyography, nerve conduction studies, and quantitative sensory tests to further examine peripheral nerve function, although findings from these tests do not always correspond with symptoms. Your doctor may also recommend laboratory and imaging tests to look for metabolic disturbances, nutritional deficiencies, and other possible causes of nerve damage.
Physical and occupational therapists may perform several additional tests to assess the impact of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy on your balance, stability, and fine motor skills. Based on this assessment, your therapists will help you determine your functional goals and select the appropriate therapy to reduce the risk of injury and improve your quality of life.


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