Today's animated video produced by Roche, looks at how clinical studies work. It's short and to the point and gives a little more information regarding clinical trials and studies. As neuropathy patients, we are used to the next 'hopeful treatment' being announced and entering the trial stages but we rarely think about what sort of process that is. Because it can be a very long process, the initial excitement at hearing of a potential new discovery can very quickly wear off and lead to frustrations that nothing is being done but there is little doubt that trials and studies are vital to ensure safety and achieve the necessary proof that something is what it says it is.
Drawn to Science: Clinical trials
Published on 28 May 2014
Clinical trials are essential to providing the scientific data to determine whether new drugs, diagnostics or procedures are both safe and effective when used to diagnose and treat people.
Carefully conducted clinical trials are performed in human volunteers to provide answers to important questions. Every new treatment is usually tested in three phases of clinical trials before regulatory agencies consider it safe and effective. Depending on product type and development stage, investigators initially enroll volunteers and/or patients into small pilot studies and subsequently conduct progressively larger scale comparative studies. As positive safety and efficacy data are gathered, the number of patients typically increases. Clinical trials can vary in size, and can involve a single research entity in one country or multiple entities in multiple countries.
For more information about clinical trials at Roche visit
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