Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Epidural Steroid Injections For Neuropathy: Warning! (Vid)

The problem with neuropathy is that it's one of those diseases which is impossible to cure and difficult to treat. This leaves the door open for desperate patients to try anything they may have seen advertised, or have heard about from friends. One of the current 'treatments' gaining popularity among neuropathy patients is the epidural steroid injection, despite the fact that it is being promoted as a treatment for severe back pain and not for the most common symptoms of neuropathy. Some people with neuropathy caused by impacted nerves or injury may benefit under controlled and expert conditions but it's dangerous to assume that it's beneficial for all forms of nerve damage. Today's Dr Oz clip warns about the dangers of these injections despite their being the number one treatment for lower back pain. They are not FDA approved and you should never go ahead with this sort of treatment if you have neuropathy and have not made the decision with the full agreement of a neurologist. The trouble is that people will clutch at straws when their symptoms are so severe. They will grab at a headline, read half a story and assume that such a treatment will be good for them. It's even more dangerous if unscrupulous clinics and doctors also misinform their patients in the search for easy earnings (as shown in the video). Forewarned is forearmed they say.

Epidural Steroid Injections, The Truth... Finally! / Part 1

The TRUTH about Epidural Injections. "If any good can come from this, in addition to shining a light on the need for greater oversight of compounding pharmacies, it might be that the media attention on steroid injections will allow patients to become better-informed consumers. For patients, it is buyer beware." Dr. Ray M. Baker, Anesthesiologist and President of the International Spine Intervention Society.

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