Monday, 25 August 2014

New FDA Rules For Gluten Free Labelling

Today's post from (see link below) is another article looking at gluten free diets and what this exactly entails. The American FDA has done us a favour by stepping in to regulate the gluten 'industry' so that the term 'gluten free' genuinely means what it says. This of course doesn't mean that all countries are as well-regulated but it's a guide and when the FDA decides to act, the rest of the world generally follows soon after. That said, the hype that gluten-free is beneficial for the nervous system and neuropathy problems is exactly that - hype and nothing has been proved. There is no doubt however, that many people claim to have benefited from changing to gluten-free. It's not easy and can lead to a 'boring' diet but it may be worth doing the research and consulting your doctor to see if it's an option for you.

What The FDA's New "Gluten-Free" Label Really Means 
By Robin Hilmantel for Women's Health Published August 2014,

If you've been buying foods labeled "gluten-free," we have some good news and some bad news for you. The bad news: Nothing you've bought up until this point has had to adhere to a uniform standard of what it actually means to be "gluten-free." The good news? As of August 2, there's finally a definition to go along with the label.

MORE: Are Gluten-Free Diets Healthy?

Late last week, the FDA published a new regulation defining the term. To be considered "gluten-free," a product now must contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten. Products bearing the labels "free of gluten," "no gluten," and "without gluten" are also now required to meet this standard.

“Adherence to a gluten-free diet is the key to treating celiac disease, which can be very disruptive to everyday life,” FDA Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D., said in a press release. “The FDA’s new ‘gluten-free’ definition will help people with this condition make food choices with confidence and allow them to better manage their health.”

MORE: Gluten-Free Foods That Make You Gain Weight

One word of warning: Food manufacturers have until August 2, 2015, to bring their products into compliance with this new criteria. Granted, some products on the market may already meet this standard (and items that have less than 20 parts per million of gluten aren't required to be listed as "gluten-free;" it's a voluntary label).

Even after companies are required to comply with the new ruling, they can still use the terms "made with no gluten-containing ingredients" or "not made with gluten-containing ingredients" on products that don't fit the definition of "gluten-free" (provided these other labels are true). The bottom line? Even with the new regulation, it's still a good idea to reach out to the company or restaurant making a food if you have any questions about how much gluten it might contain.

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