Thursday 12 March 2015

Neuropathy: An Overview (Vid)

Today’s post from (see link below) is an extensive, general description of peripheral neuropathy, including a video presented from the point of view of a chiropractor. Now the medical establishment is not unanimous concerning the value of chiropractors when it comes to neuropathy but many neuropathy patients take their problems to chiropractors' clinics and many have positive experiences. Nevertheless, it's always wise to first of all, get advice from your home doctor or specialist. Apart from that, this article is full of useful information and that information is accurate and valuable if you want to know more about the disease.

Neuropathy: Types, Causes, Treatments And Precautions
Expert Author : Dr. Ahmed Zayed (Consumer Health Digest)


Neuropathy is not a particular disease but it is a complication caused by the combination of different underlying medical conditions. Doctors call it “idiopathic” when the primary cause is not yet diagnosed. The term neuropathy is actually short for peripheral neuropathy which means that there is nerve damage in parts of the peripheral nervous system. Take note that peripheral neuropathy doesn’t include nerve damage in parts of the central nervous system. It involves nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord.

Types Of Neuropathy

There are a number of peripheral neuropathies from different causes. The range is broad from carpal tunnel syndrome to nerve damage caused by diabetes. Peripheral neuropathies are generally more common in people older than 55. Neuropathies are classified according to the problems they cause or the root of the damage.

1. Mononeuropathy: This is when the damage is only to a single peripheral nerve. The most common cause is trauma or physical injury like in the case of an accident. Prolonged nerve pressure from long periods of being sedentary (like in the case of lying in bed) or continuous repetitive motions can cause mononeuropathy. The most common type is carpal tunnel syndrome.

2. Polyneuropathy: This actually accounts for the greatest percentage of peripheral neuropathy cases. It affects multiple peripheral nerves in the body which malfunction at the same time. There is a wide variety of possible causes including toxin exposure (like alcohol abuse), vitamin deficiency and complications from cancer or kidney failure.

Signs and Symptoms Of Neuropathy

The possible signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include:
Signs and Symptoms Of Neuropathy
Numbness or reduced sensitivity.
A tingling or painful sensation.
Sharp pains or cramps.
Increased sensitivity of certain parts of the body.
Weakness of muscles.
Reduced reflexes especially in the ankles.
Loss of coordination and balance.
Serious problems of the foot including infections, ulcers, deformities and bone/joint pain.

Causes and Risk Factors Of Neuropathy

The top causes of neuropathy include physical trauma, infection, repetitive injury, metabolic problems and exposure to toxins and/or drugs. Most causes of neuropathy are caused by the metabolic disorder diabetes when it is simply referred to as diabetic neuropathy.

 Causes and Risk Factors Of Neuropathy

The other conditions that can cause neuropathy are chronic liver diseases, chronic kidney diseases, HIV and AIDS infection, long-term alcohol abuse, vitamin B deficiency and cancers.
Diabetes mellitus especially when sugar levels are not controlled correctly
Abuse of alcohol.
Vitamin B deficiency.
Infections like Lyme disease, hepatitis C, HIV and Epstein-Barr virus.
Autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
Toxic exposure.
Disorders of the liver, thyroid or kidney.
Family history of neuropathy.
Repetitive motions.

Must Watch – Everything You Need To know About Neuropathy

Tests And Diagnosis For Neuropathy

The doctor needs to determine the location of the nerve damage and its cause. Diagnosis starts with a physical examination which may include blood tests. Then a full medical history will be needed which will be followed by a neurological examination. Then other tests may be ordered like:
Imaging Tests: CT or MRI scans to check for tumours or any other abnormalities.
Nerve Function Tests: An electromyography may be ordered to determine if symptoms are caused by muscle or nerve damage. Nerve conduction studies may also be done.
Other Nerve Function Tests: It may include an autonomic reflex screen, sweat test and sensory tests.
Nerve Biopsy: A small portion of a nerve may be removed for examination.
Skin Biopsy: This is for examining the number of nerve endings.

Treatments and Medications To Treat Neuropathy

 Treatments and Medications To Treat Neuropathy

The goal of treatment is to manage the condition that causes neuropathy which will also relieve the symptoms. If there is no underlying condition, the doctor will observe if the neuropathy improves. In the case of exposure to toxins or alcohol, such substances should be avoided.
Medications: For relieving peripheral neuropathy, pain relievers, anti-seizure medications, capsaicin formulations and/or antidepressants may be prescribed by the physician.
Therapies: There are various therapies and procedures that may be used depending on the type and extent of neuropathy. This includes transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, plasma exchange and intravenous immune globulin, physical therapy and surgery.

Precaution And Self Care For Neuropathy

Take good care of your feet especially if you have diabetes.
Get regular exercise which helps improve muscle strength, relieve neuropathy symptoms and control blood sugar levels.
Quit smoking since it negatively affects circulation.
Follow a healthy diet making sure you get the important vitamins and minerals.
Limit alcohol intake since it can worsen peripheral neuropathy.
Monitor your blood glucose level closely.
You need to be closely monitored by your healthcare provider to see if the neuropathy worsens or improves over time so treatment can be adjusted accordingly.

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