18 Essential Oils For Nerve Pain and Neuropathy [Infographic]
Thanks for reading! ..Susan 2016
What is Nerve Pain or Neuropathy?
Essential oils come from natural plants, and can help you alleviate the pain associated with the nerves. Nerve pain or neuropathy is an excruciating condition that occurs when there is damage to the peripheral nervous system. It feels like sudden shocks of electricity, pinpricks or a burning sensation. It can be debilitating and stop you from functioning in your daily life. Neuralgia is a recurrent pain along a nerve pathway, but does not involve any nerve damage or inflammation.
The peripheral nervous system consists of nerves that connect the central nervous system to the rest of your body. These nerves include your muscles, skin, hands, feet, face and internal organs. They are responsible for transmitting messages about your physical sensations, back to the brain.
When nerves become damaged, they can misfire, sending pain signals to your brain.
Symptoms of Nerve Pain
There are many symptoms of nerve pain, which might limit your ability to continue with normal daily activities. They include:
Extreme sensitivity to touch.
A sharp, burning sensation or stabbing pain.
Muscle weakness.
Numbness in the hands and legs.
Lack of coordination and falling down.
Causes of Nerve Pain
There are many causes of nerve pain; it might be from a physical injury or a disease.
Physical Injuries – Nerve pain can occur after physical injuries from car accidents, sports injuries, fractures,

Diabetes – Diabetes is one of the most common causes of nerve damage. The high levels of unregulated blood sugar, high blood pressure and obesity in diabetes patients can lead to injured nerves.
Vitamin Deficiencies – If you lack vitamin B1, B6, B12 and E, it may lead to nerve pain, because those vitamins are essential to nerve health and activity.
Toxins – Exposure to toxic chemicals like insecticides and solvents can lead to nerve damage. In addition, Mercury and some heavy metals exposure can contribute to the disorder.
Cancer – Tumors from cancer can also cause nerve pain. As they grow, they can press on the nerves surrounding them, with some cancers growing out of the nerves themselves.
HIV – Nerve pain occurs in one-third of people infected with HIV. Treatment of HIV using antiretroviral drugs can also lead to nerve damage pain.
Alcoholism – Too much alcohol has a toxic effect on the nerve tissue. People with severe alcoholism have a higher risk of nerve pain.
Hereditary – Nerve pain can also be hereditary.
Natural Remedies for Nerve Pain
Some natural remedies can address the causes of nerve pain, but many remedies treat the nerve pain by providing pain relief.
For example, if your legs are affected, wearing more comfortable shoes can reduce the pain.
Nerve pain caused by diabetes can be improved by making some changes to your lifestyle, such as:
Quitting smoking.
Reducing alcohol consumption.
Getting more exercise.
Changing your diet.
Essential oils for nerve pain is one treatment that can help reduce the effects.
18 Best Essential Oils For Nerve Pain
Scientific studies have shown that essential oils can not only help with sleep disorders, stress, anxiety, depression, and circulation, but can also provide relief from nerve pain (or neuropathy). Using essential oils for nerve pain is also a natural alternative treatment to control the symptoms associated with many illnesses.
There are a number of essential oils that have been studied that can be used to treat nerve pain:
1. Balsam Fir Abies balsamea

Balsam Fir is often part of the quintessential Christmas tree. The Fir Needle is a natural analgesic and antispasmodic for relaxing muscle aches and pains. It is often used in the treatment of muscle recovery following exercise or a work out. It works by promoting more blood flow to the skin, which increases recovery.
How to Use: Balsalm fir needle essential oil can be applied topically in a 1:1 ratio with a carrier agent.
2. Bergamot Citrus bergamia, Risso

Research studies conducted by the University of Calabria have reported that Bergamot essential oil modifies and inhibits the nociceptive behavioral effect. Another study showed that data gathered so far indicates that bergamot is endowed with anti-nociceptive effects.
How to Use: To reduce muscle and nerve pain, massage 5 drops of bergamot oil on the area or where you feel tension.
3. Black Pepper Piper nigrum

This essential oil is a known pain reliever by toning the muscles and use in sciatica. It acts as a tonic and analgesic for the nervous system and increases circulation. One study showed that black pepper essential oil possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive properties.
How to Use: Make sure it is diluted in a 50:50 ratio, before applying to any affected area (one part essential oil: one part carrier oil).
4. Roman Chamomile Chammaemelum nobile or Anthemis nobilis

This is an essential oil with anti-neuralgic properties. It helps to relieve the pain associated with nerve damage by constricting the blood vessels surrounding that particular nerve. In doing so, it reduces the built-up pressure and relieves the pain.
How to Use: There are several ways to apply Roman Chamomile:
You can apply the oil to reflex points of the body.
You can dilute chamomile oil with olive oil and apply to the aching muscles by massaging.
Add a few drops to a bath.
5. Peppermint Mentha piperita

Peppermint is one of the most widely researched oils by the scientific community. It is known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. As a pain reliever it provides nervous system support, improves respiration, controls muscle spasms and relieves gas and bloating.
How to Use: Diluting peppermint oil with a carrier oil is recommended before applying.
6. Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis CT 1,8 Cineol

This essential oil is a mild pain reliever that increases circulation, helps with sciatica and neuralgia. It helps to relax the muscle fibers and remove lactic acid. Being anti-rheumatic it can suppress muscle spasms and improve respiration.
How to Use: Apply 2 drops each of helichrysum oil, cypress oil, and rosemary oil. Blend with 1/2 tsp of a carrier oil. Massage into the affected area.
7. Marjoram Origanum majorana

This essential oil is another natural pain reliever that is effective in helping to manage nerve pain. It works as a tonic on the entire nervous system by strengthening the area where the nerve damage has occurred.
How to Use: Add 10 drops of marjoram, 10 drops sage oil, and 10 drops of rosemary essential oil. Combine with 2 tablespoons of carrier oil. Apply with massage to the affected area.
8. Black Spruce Picea mariana

This essential oil is a natural antiseptic, antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory pain reliever. It helps to relieve muscle spasms, promote muscle repair, improve circulation, help to stimulate the immune system and help to clear cell receptor sites. It is especially used for back pain, arthritis, and sciatica.
How to Use: Combine 5 drops of Black Spruce with 1 tablespoon of carrier oil. Massage to the affected area a couple of times a day.
9. Lavender Lavandula angustifolia

Lavender essential oil has calming and stress relieving properties. It helps to relieve nervous tension and nerve pain. It has also been used and shown in some surgical procedures to reduce pain.
How to Use: 2 drops of Lavender and Rosemary + 20ml cocoa butter. Mix all ingredients and pour in a vial to store. Use it as a massage oil.
10. Helichrysum Helichrysum italicum

Helichrysum essential oil is an anti-inflammatory antispasmodic naturally occurring nervine that strengthens and regenerates the nervous system. It helps to relieve nerve pain by reducing stress levels associated with it. It can also reduce inflammation for joint pain, acne and burns.
11. Eucalytpus Eucalyptus radiata

Eucalyptus oil is extracted from the bark and leaves of the Australian Eucalyptus tree. Eucalyptus is a must have oil for any household. Because it has antispasmodic, ant-inflammatory and analgesic properties, it has been recommended for relieving nerve pain, aches and muscle pain. One of the best ways to apply is by massaging eucalyptus oil on the skin so it can help to relieve stress and pain.
How to Use: Use Eucalyptus Oil in a cream or warming balm to apply topically.
12. Frankincense Boswellia frereana, Boswellia carterii

The oil is known to transmit messages to the brain’s limbic system, which influences the nervous system. It stimulates the immune system, relaxes the muscles and works as an antiseptic.
How to Use: Combine 1 drop of frankincense with 2 drops of a carrier oil, and apply over the affected area.
13. Geranium Pelargonium graveolens

Geranium oil acts to reduce neuropathic pain, especially when applied to the skin. Studies have shown that it is effective in reducing pain after shingles.
How to Use: Mix 5 drops of geranium essential oil with 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil and massage into the pain affected area.
14. Ylang Ylang Cananga odorata

Among its many uses Ylang Ylang acts as a nervine and sedative. It repairs and reduces the stress of nerve damage.
How to Use: Ylang-Ylang blends very well with bergamot, grapefruits, lavender and sandalwood. You can also combine it with a carrier oil (such as jojoba, sweet almond, or avocado), and applied directly to the skin, or included in your bath.
15. Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens

One of its main compounds is methyl salicylate, an organic ester which metabolizes in the body to salicylic acid, which has similar properties to cortisone, an NSAID. The oil therefore, has excellent properties for relieving nerve pain as a natural analgesic, anti-arthritic numbing agent.
How to Use: Use 1–2 drops of wintergreen essential oil, and mix it together with jojoba or coconut oil before rubbing into the skin and massaging into muscles.
16. Ginger Zingiber officinale

Ginger consists of sesquiterpenes, which are responsible for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and other analgesic properties. One study identified Ginger essential oil as possessing antioxidant activity as well as significant anti-nociceptive properties.
How to Use: Ginger essential oil works well when blended.
Combine 5 drops ginger, 5 drops rosemary, 5 drops lavender, 3 drops marjoram, and 5 teaspoons of a carrier oil (coconut, jojoba, or grapeseed).
17. Clary Sage Salvia sclarea

One of its best uses is for soothing nervous tension. It can also be helpful for stomach pains, kidney problems, and tumors when applied to the skin.
How to Use: Dilute 5 drops of clary sage oil with 5 drops of a carrier oil (coconut oil or jojoba) and apply to affected areas.
18. Clove Eugenia caryophyllata

Clove oil is high in anti-oxidants, and was used in the Four Thieves Vinegar which was believed to protect people from the Plague:
Take three pints of strong white wine vinegar, add a handful of each of wormwood, meadowsweet, wild marjoram and sage, fifty cloves, two ounces of campanula roots, two ounces of angelic, rosemary and horehound and three large measures of camphor. Place the mixture in a container for fifteen days, strain and express then bottle. Use by rubbing it on the hands, ears and temples from time to time when approaching a plague victim.
One of its current applications is in toothpaste as it has the same analgesic effect as benzocaine, a topical agent also used for ingrown toenails, hemorrhoids, tooth pain and sunburn. It works by blocking the nerve signals.
How to Use: Mix 1 drop Clove oil with 5ml Grapeseed oil. Massage around the affected area with the blend.
How to use Essential Oils for Nerve Pain
There are many other ways that you can administer essential oils to your body. Some of them are listed below:
Creams and Lotions – There are creams and lotions available that contain the essential oils you need. You can also make your own cream and lotions by buying a blank lotion or cream and adding the essential oils to it.
Aromatherapy Bath – You can use essential oils in aromatherapy baths. Add a few drops of the essential oil directly to the bath water and then add some Epsom salt to allow the oil to blend with the water and enhance the effect. This will prevent it from floating on top of the water.
Essential Oil Massage – You can massage essential oils into the areas affected by pain. If you are making your own massaging oil, apply by blending with carrier oils.
Diffusing – One of the most common ways to apply essential oils is aromatically by using an essential oil diffuser. There are several types ranging in the way the oils are dispersed. Please check out our infographic.
Reflex Points – Applying essential oils to known reflex points can have many benefits, especially if you know what each point is used for.
Pre-Made Synergy Blends – Many of the major essential oil companies now sell synergic blends of different essential oils for a particular ailment or purpose e.g. “Anxiety Ease”, so it is useful to look out for them if you didn’t want the hassle of creating your own recipe or blend.

I often stress that you should not use essential oils undiluted, and never apply a neat oil directly to the skin. Most essential oils that are from reputable companies come with safety instructions and these should always be read prior to use.
Always check before administering to pregnant women, babies and small children as there are a number of essential oils that should not be used.
And you should always consult with your doctor as some oils can interact with other medication.
Safety with essential oils.
I hope you have found this list helpful when using essential oils for nerve pain and neuropathy. I love essential oils and know how much they can help with so many illnesses and conditions. If you are sick of taking medication and not getting anywhere then please try essential oils as a natural treatment.
How to use essential oils.
Thanks for reading! ..Susan
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