Sunday 24 July 2011

Infra-red treatment for neuropathy

I was wondering why HIV wasn't mentioned as being one of the contributing causes of neuropathy in this video...until I saw the name of the producers: Fox 31. Now I have to admit, I have no idea who Fox 31 are, or what their agendas (if any) may be but media companies with the name Fox are not famed for being particularly HIV-friendly to put it mildly. Apologies if I'm way off the mark here.

However, that's not the point; the video concerns infra-red, light treatment for neuropathy (apparently originally developed by NASA), which has been touched on earlier in the blog. It gives a visual demonstration of what this equipment is and how it works but as for answering serious questions as to whether it's just another gimmick or not, I'm not qualified to say. Anything that claims to be as effective at treating neuropathy as this does, immediately sets alarm bells clanging for me. However, maybe you know much more about it, so please tell everyone your opinions; especially if you have had experience of this sort of treatment or know someone who has.

The video is basically an extended advertisement for a Neuropathy Treatment Center, offering a service and normally I wouldn't consider posting it, or supporting commercial operations but evaluating the process in this case, may be more important than the organisation behind it. Besides that, it is explained in a low-key and factual way - there's no outward reason to mistrust anything that's said. I've never seen anything like this offered in our mainstream medical facilities although that doesn't mean to say it doesn't exist here and am very curious to know if it's effective in any way.
The ball's in your court - let us know what you think.

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