Wednesday 17 August 2011

Neuropathy Natural Remedies

The best advice concerning today's post is, a) the standard, 'make your own mind up' b) use it as a starting point for investigating homeopathic alternatives (there are plenty of sites to compare and evaluate) and c) consult a qualified doctor before taking most of the things mentioned here (many good homeopathic doctors are also doctors of medicine and many doctors of medicine have sympathy for homeopathic treatment). That all sounds slightly negative; it's not meant to be but I know what it's like when you're desperate for something to help - you read an article on the Net and take it as truth - it's seductive but it can be dangerous...but as experienced neuropathy patients, you know all this don't you!

Neuropathy Natural Remedies
By Dave Card, who is a Natural Health Practitioner consulting clients in nutrition and supplements in Salt Lake City, Utah. (see link below)

Modern medicine may use opiate pain relievers (addictive and dangerous), anti-depressants, or anti-convulsion medications. These medications, while somewhat effective to alleviate symptoms of neuropathy, often don’t address the cause and may add to the toxic burden on the liver.

Natural solutions for neuropathy include examining a person’s medications, with their doctor, to look for drug causes or other more serious conditions. Most commonly, there is a vitamin deficiency and a lack of blood sugar control (diabetics).

Nutrition for Neuropathy
Start with 100 milligrams of Vitamin B-1 and 2000 micrograms of Methylcobalamin in conjunction with the following herb, cell salt and homeopathic remedies for neuropathy. Other nutrients should include about 400 milligrams of Alpha Lipoic acid as a powerful antioxidant containing blood sugar normalizing properties.

Natural Healing Protocol: Combining supplements will do more to support your body's ability to function properly than using just one. Use the following remedies for best results -- your ability to heal will depend on the severity and length of time your symptoms have been present.


Herbs for Neuropathy

Herbs are plants valued for their specific strengthening/ tonifying properties.

Cayenne cream or ointment (Dr. Christopher’s or other) – on affected areas for relief of neuropathy symptoms.

Gogi berries, a handful a day, eaten over several weeks may help to repair nerves.

A combination of the following herbs may prove helpful to strengthen and repair the nerves.

California poppy is used to calm nerve pains, and is anti-spasmodic as well, soothes nervousness and anxiety, and is mildly sedating.

Corydalis – diffuses energy to relieve pain better than most herbal products (without creating an addiction). It also helps with spasms and nerves.

Passion flower is an excellent nervine (for nerve calming and repair), and calming for the heart and nervous system.

Lobelia is primarily antispasmodic for the nerves, and both digestive and respiratory systems.

Prickly ash bark is used in small quantities to make herbal formulas work better. It is stimulant, and helps circulation and blood supply to the nerves.


Cell Salts to Help with Neuropathy

To make a cell salt solution, put up to 10 tablets of each cell salt in a 16- to 24-ounce bottle; fill with water and swirl to dissolve tablets. Sip throughout the day.

#6 Kali phos 6X – for calming nerves nerve and repair
#9 Nat mur 6X – neuropathy from stress or grief
#12 Silicea 6X – for connective tissue weakness


Neuropathy Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic natural medicines safe for everyone including infants and pregnant or nursing women. You may use 6X, 30X, 6C or 30C potencies. Learn more about homeopathy >

Rhus tox (#1 Homeopathic for neuropathy) – pain and neuropathy symptoms worse at change of weather or in cold damp conditions, and while resting. Sensation as if walking on needles, burning, and cold water. Stiffness while resting, pain on first movement but better from continued motion. (Tin Man Remedy)

Aconite – numbness and tingling, especially left arm; shooting pains; icy coldness; limbs feel lame, bruised, heavy and numb; hot hands, cold feet; twitching; weak, lax, lame tendons.

Arsenicum album – severe weakness of limbs, twitching, spasms, heaviness; atrophy; sciatica; burning pains; restless feet, cramps, neuritis; person is restless and tidy, perfectionist; symptoms better from warmth.

Belladonna – right-sided throbbing pains; jerking, cramping, heaviness; paralytic cold limbs; tottering gait; weakness; involuntary limping; convulsions; distortions of muscles.

Hypericum – nerve pains crawling, tingling, burning pains, numbness; neuralgia; sciatica; cramps in calves.

Mercurius vivus – weakness and pains, especially at night; bone pains; trembling of hands with stiffness; fingers numb; temperature sensitive (very small temperature range of comfort).
Nux vomica – nervous irritability; cramps and spasms; weakness of liver; desires for stimulants; crawling sensation under skin; loss of strength in feet; digestive complaints, food sits like a rock in the stomach.

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