Thursday 8 September 2011

Smoking doesn't help

As a heavy ex-smoker myself, I'm the last one to preach to anybody about the evils of tobacco (or anything else for that matter) but you have to admit, it makes sense when smoking is so strongly associated with bad blood circulation and if you have neuropathy in your feet, smoking just ain't gonna help! Sorry, sorry, I sound just like the people I used to hate - the patronising, ex-smoker, advice-givers!

However, although we all need our crutches to get us through the worst of neuropathy, if it's at all possible, avoiding the ciggies will certainly help improve your general health and will probably improve the circulation in your long-suffering extremities.
This post is once again from a diabetes forum (see link below) but applies to all neuropathy sufferers.

Smoke Free and Heading Off Neuropathy?

'Hey yall...
I noticed over the holidays with so much time off work I was smoking more...

After a few days I began to feel "heat" at the heal of my one was a very strange feeling...

Subsequently it would come and go and then I noticed discomfort in my legs, fingers and forearms...

I then learned these were signs of poor circulation. Which -- guess what -- were a direct result of the ciggys...

SO, I made up my mind -- either quit smoking now and halt the progression of neuropathy or wait six months to stop smoking with complications of neuropathy -- which by the way is incurable...

It wasn't rocket science...having to quit under these circumstances seems not so hard.

Not to say I'm nervous -- but if I can take all those meds, eat like a rabbit, walk myself silly -- ciggys have got to be a breeze...


'Good for you!!!!! Hey alot of things in life we CAN'T control, but we have to take charge and control what we CAN!!!!
Never been a smoker myself....but lived with & cared for both parents as they lived with & succumbed to lung cancer after years of 3 packs a day. (Dad & his good old Lucky-Strike non-filter!!)
However I DO live with severe neuropathy in both feet. And have directly suffered complications from a nasty & prolonged diabetic denial.
To make a long & tedious story short...just suffice it for me to say one more time "Good for You"!!! Put down the butts & get YOUR butt in gear!!'

'Two things....

Since I have neuropathy in my feet just know that IMO your making a very wise choice here.

As a former smoker I can tell you few people loved smoking more than me. You know what....I learned to live without it. Everyday it gets easier and easier. Trust me on this!


'Stop smoking is a very wise move!

You may want to see a cardiologist because both smoking and diabetes cause poor circulation: it is the poor circulation that causes the diabetic complications.

Remember saying you goin to stop means nothing until you follow through. Good luck on continued walking and not smoking.'

'I quit under a cloud of worsening health too. It was very motivating.

Probably the most comforting thing I found while I was letting go was to take deep cleansing breaths. Just thinking about taking a deep cleansing breath makes me relax today. It is well worth learning this simple physical technique.'

'Good job! I'm with you completely. I'm on winter break from school and the hospital so, like you, I noticed I had more time to get bored and light up. I used to be 1 or 2 a day, then I went to 4 or 5 a day. After my first endo visit I decided to try quitting. I bought the patch but I found it to be more of a pain in the butt than anything. In the last week I have smoked 1 1/2 cigarettes. I went for a follow up with the dr today and resisted the urge to buy more. That's when I smoked the most was in the car by myself. My biggest accomplishment so far! LOL

It's good to know someone else is doing this too. Keep posting about your progress! I'm looking forward to it! Hey, maybe we can see who can stay cigarette free the longest (hopefully forever) hehehe!'


  1. I have been a heavy smoker for nearly 20 years, I have suffered agony with stabbing pain/numbness/burning pains in my legs, feet, arms/hands, even my face and head. It only gets better when I quit smoking. Alcohol makes it even worse. If you suffer the same problems my advice is very simple, quit smoking or you are NEVER going to get better, also try to quit the drinking as it also causes nerve damage, but I think the smoking is a far bigger danger for people who suffer the symptoms I listed above. Take it from someone who has suffered with this for a hell of a long time, quit smoking now before it's to late. I am only 35 and battling with this problem, it ruined my life for far to long.

  2. Anon...thanks for the comment. I quit 5 years ago and have never regretted it but it wasn't easy!


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