Friday 23 March 2012

Food Allergies and Neuropathy

It is mostly overlooked in articles about neuropathy but if a lack of Vitamin B12 for instance, is thought to be one of the causes of neuropathy, then why not certain food allergies too? Today's article from, which is a Florida based neuropathy blog, (see link below) looks at the theory that certain food allergies may be primary causes of nerve damage. Aspartame, for instance, as one of the commonest ingredients of sweeteners, may surprise you.

Nutrition’s Role in Neuropathy
Posted on March 7, 2012

Neuropathy has wide variety of causes, and nutritional causes are a major subset of it. Neuropathy secondary to deficiency of Vitamin B (especially B12 and Folic Acid) is well known and one of the first suspicion in otherwise normal patients presenting with symptoms of neuropathy like numbness, pin-and-needle sensation, burning sensations, pain or loss of sensations. When it affects the nerves supplying the muscles, it may result in weakness of muscle, muscle atrophy, lack of fine muscle control which may result in many symptoms depending on which muscles are affected.

But one cause of peripheral neuropathy that is not readily thought to be associated with neuropathy is food allergy. The association between food allergy and neuropathy is often overlooked because only recently conclusive evidence from research has become available establishing a certain link between neuropathy and allergic response to certain food items. The culprits so far found to be most commonly occurring are derivatives of glutamic acid and aspartic acid, gluten, pesticides on fruits and vegetables, food coloring dyes. One very common artificial sweetener, Aspartame, is used in fruit juices, diabetic food and numerous other products. It is one of the most commonly recognized allergen triggering symptoms of neuropathy like tingling, numbness, burning sensation etc. and also affecting auditory nerve causing tinnitus. Consumption of large quantities greatly increases the chances of having the neuropathy. Often, stopping the consumption of aspartame cures the symptoms almost entirely.

Many more agents commonly found in food may cause allergic response which may present as neuropathy. The ones that are currently believed to be responsible for most of the cases are Azino-moto (Mono Sodium Glutamate) which is commonly used in Chinese foods, gluten found in wheat containing edible items, some coloring dyes used in foods. Not only these, but normal fully natural food items like fruits, eggs, and milk may be the cause of food allergy induced neuropathy. Often it may happen, that the tracking of the allergy causing food item may not be very simple and straightforward.

So what if your neuropathy is suspected to be due to food allergy. Main diagnostic test used is a Radioallergosorbent Test (RAST Test) which detects antibodies against “common” food allergens. Since not all antigens could be detected in 100% of cases, sometimes the treatment may involve just hit and trial in which suspected food items are stopped for few week and observed whether it alleviates the neuropathy. Also it would be advisable to stop common known allergens like aspartame, MSG, food dyes, and gluten and observe if the symptoms are alleviated by this. Also thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before consuming, as pesticides present on them could be the cause.

If you are one of the many thousands of sufferers of Neuropathy, you know all to well that numbness and tingling is still a pain to deal with. Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition that is characterized by altered sensation or a change in motor control of a body part. The nerve becomes irritated or damaged and it no longer conducts the messages it should. If your neuropathy is left untreated, it will begin to affect your quality of life.

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