Thursday 4 October 2012

Some Questions About Normast For Neuropathy

Today's post talks about a product, supposedly beneficial for neuropathy symptoms, that is promoted and sold from sources in the Netherlands and Italy. It's called Normast and it seems many people across the world, especially in America have been persuaded to buy it in the hope of helping their neuropathic problems. The website tries to persuade you by using incredibly complex language, that it's based on good science and research but in fact it's possible that it's nothing more than (at best) a homeopathic product, with less than 1% of the palmitoylethanolamide it claims underpins it. The Dutch authorities have refused to give it a license as a medicine and for want of anything better, only allow it to be described as a food supplement.
You may come across Normast on the following websites:- or

It is promoted by Prof. Dr. Jan M. Keppel Hesselink, who's self-proclaimed title of professor is not recognised by the Dutch authorities. He also claims to be a pharmacologist and medical biologist but is also not registered as such in the Netherlands. He also claims to be linked to a medical university in Germany, which is bankrupt and furthermore does not have him on their employment lists. The best anyone can establish is that he is an unlicenced acupuncturist.

He sells Normast through a company called Ergomax -, or you may see it sold from an Italian company Epitech.

The problem is that much of the information about neuropathy on the sites is true and in many cases helpful. He also sells Alpha Lipoic acid and Acetyl L- Carnitine amongst others, which are legitimate supplements known to have helped some people with neuropathy. So, just as with many of these sorts of 'preparations' for neuropathy, there is a half accurate story to convince the buyer that the promoters are genuine but the verifiable evidence that Normast works is hard to find.
The Dutch Association which investigates quacks and charlatans have roundly condemned this man several times and if you look on the various independent forums about Normast, you will see many complaints that people have waited and waited but found no improvement from using Normast. Mr Keppel Hesselink or someone known to him, possibly writes his own questions and answers (all positive of course) for various forums and he has many YouTube video clips (in broken English) which are based mainly on patient accounts.

Of course, everyone must make their own minds up about Normast but this blog feels it necessary to take the opportunity to advise people to think carefully before taking that step. Do your own research and you may possibly reach the same conclusions.

The following two links are from the Dutch organisation looking into Normast and Keppel Hesselink - I'm afraid they are in Dutch, so the best you will be able to do is use Google translate  and although the English may end up looking strange, you'll get the idea.

When people are desperate due to neuropathy pain, they will clutch at any semi-convincing straws but should be aware that there are unscrupulous operators on the internet and should research anything claiming to be a 'new' cure or 'help' for neuropathy and discuss it with their doctors. If the top neurologists and pharmaceutical companies have failed to come up with effective treatment after all  accepted medications have failed, it's highly unlikely to be found via a private source which tries to sell it to you over the Net.

That all said, if anybody has positive experiences of Normast, please let us know. Mr. Keppel Hesselink may have a strange background and Normast is very difficult to pin down regarding its make up and exact ingredients but it's possible that it does work. This blog is prepared to be proved wrong and will issue a full retraction if that is the case.

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