Thursday 21 March 2013

Facebook Chat About Balance Issues And Neuropathy

Today's post from (see link below) announces an upcoming Facebook chat (March 20th, 2013) concerning balance issues and neuropathy. It may be well-worth joining in and as shown at the bottom of the article, you can get the transcript from the chat by e-mail if you don't have access to Facebook, or have missed the date.

SAVE THE DATE--March 20th: Dr. Bridget Carey to Host a “Dealing With Balance Issues and Neuropathy” Facebook Chat!

March 5, 2013

We are excited to announce that Bridget T. Carey, MD will be hosting on our Facebook page a "chat" event aimed at helping patients deal with balance issues and neuropathy.

Topic: Dealing With Balance Issues and Neuropathy
Date: March 20th, 2013 (7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. ET)
Bridget Carey
Receive alerts about this Facebook Chat from our
events page! 

Related articles: 
- Peripheral Neuropathy—A
Risk Factor For Falls; 

- Coming Around To Using A 

- Proceedings of The
Neuropathy Association’s
Neuropathy Summit-
Physicians Conference: A
Supplement to the Journal
of the Peripheral Nervous

- A Three-Part Series of 
Articles on Optimizing 
Wellness Written by 
Dr. Bridget Carey; 

Support Your #1
Cause: The 
Against Neuropathy! 

Numbness, weakness, tingling, and pain are commond symptoms of neuropathy. But many people with neuropathy also experience difficulty “sensing” (or feeling) where their feet are and poor coordination when walking because they are not sure about the placement of their feet. They may also find themselves walking differently without really knowing how or why they are doing so. Chances are they have either widened their style of walking or they may find themselves dragging their feet in an unconscious effort to maintain their balance. Problems with balance can also occur when there is a disruption to any of the vestibular (ears), visual (eyes), or proprioceptive (the body's ability to sense movement within joints and joint position) systems—all of which increase the risk for falls and fall-related injuries.

This Facebook Chat aims to help patients (and their family members and friends) better understand:

- The link between balance issues and neuropathy;

- Strategies for dealing with balance issues; and

- Approaches for preventing falls and minimizing fall-related injuries.

Our educational Facebook Chat events offer a unique opportunity for you to hear from and ask questions of a health care expert in the field as well as of your peers—patients and caregivers—who are battling neuropathy. In addition, they emphasize that living well with neuropathy is possible with early diagnosis, symptom management, and regular follow-ups, but it requires active engagement by the patient in his/her own medical care along with the aid of an array of resources—limited as they are—that do currently exist.

Bridget T. Carey, MD is an assistant professor of Neurology and assistant attending neurologist at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center (one of 15 Neuropathy Association-designated Centers of Excellence across the U.S.) and an assistant attending neurologist at the Hospital for Special Surgery. She also serves on The Neuropathy Association’s Neuropathic Pain Management Medical Advisory Council. Dr. Carey specializes in the care of patients with disorders of the spine, peripheral nerves, and neuromuscular system. She has a special interest in the management of back and neck pain, neuropathy, neuropathic pain, gait impairment, headaches, and facial pain. While Dr. Carey focuses on diseases of the peripheral nervous system, she also evaluates and cares for patients with general neurological symptoms and disorders.

We look forward to having you join us on March 20th for this Facebook Chat. A special thanks to Dr. Carey for sharing her time and expertise to help our neuropathy community!

P.S. If you do not use Facebook:

- You can still access the chat by visiting The Neuropathy Association's Facebook page, but you will not be able to join the conversation by posting comments. View the Association's Facebook page!

- You can read a transcript of the highlights from the Chat that will be published in the coming weeks. Sign up to receive your free copy of the transcript by email!

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