Tuesday 16 July 2013

Certain Indicators For Peripheral Neuropathy

Today's post from neuropathytreatment.co (see link below) is another general post describing the potential symptoms of neuropathy. It skims the surface of the disease but is nevertheless useful information for those with strange symptoms who may be wondering what could be wrong with them. The coloured illustrations are of nerve damage caused by injury, entrapment, or compression but there are over 100 causes and over 100 forms of neuropathy, so problems in your feet and legs for instance, should be discussed with your doctor. It is likely that your symptoms will be very obvious if you have neuropathy in those parts of the body.

Indicators of Peripheral Neuropathy

The peripheral nerves are the ones responsible in carrying data from the brain to other systems of the body. It also carries the signals toward and from the spinal cord to the rest of the body. Peripheral neuropathy occurs when these nerves fail to perform the tasks that they are assigned to do.

Peripheral Neuropathy: Things to Watch Out For

pheripheral diagnosis

Indicators of peripheral neuropathy vary on how damaged the nerves are.

Problems on the Muscles
A damaged nerve can make it very difficult for one to control the muscles. Because of this, even the simplest nerve coordination of buttoning a shirt or beating an egg will be hard to do. Muscle coordination of these kinds depends on how bad the injury on the muscle is.

Discomfort and Impassiveness
Experiencing prickly and burning sensations in your legs, feet, and arms are primary signs of damaged nerves. Numbness in the extremities is as well a sign of peripheral neuropathy. Being in pain and not being able to feel anything can be dangerous as it limits the person to distinguish if he has already been hurt or injured. People who suffer from peripheral neuropathy find it hard to tell whether the temperature is hot or cold.

Body Organ Problems
A damaged nerve also causes problems in the digestion of food. The feeling of being full is often felt even when you just took a small amount of food. Lightheadedness, which is as well one of indicators of peripheral neuropathy, leads to the patients’ immobility.

Other Indicators
Those that are diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy experiences problems in their sexual activities. Women may have troubles in orgasm and men may have difficulty with erection.
Peripheral neuropathy patients find it hard to tell if their sugar level is low.
Problems in the bladder are also often encountered.
Sweating too much is felt even if it is cold.

This condition also distresses the nerves that are in control of the involuntary functions that includes the heartbeat and bowel function. Diarrhea and constipation are also experienced. Changes in the body are also noticeable such as dry, pale skin and excessive sweating. The condition also develops blurred visions on patients.

Moreover, a damaged nerve can lead you to have infections and injuries. Since the ability to sense things is limited, you will not be aware of any injuries that you might have obtained in your body. An infection occurs when your wound is not treated properly.

It doesn’t take a genius to notice that there is a change going in your body. Just be keen enough to feel the subtle changes and as soon as you notice the indicators mentioned above, seek medical attention immediately. It may or may not be peripheral neuropathy, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.

If you do suffer from the condition, there are symptomatic treatment plans that can be undertaken to curb the disrupting symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. In addition, there are home remedies and self-help techniques that would also complement with the treatment plan.


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