Sunday 22 December 2013

Neuropathy And Pain After Shingles (Vid)

Today's post comes from (see link below) and gives a simple but clear explanation of what neuropathic pain is, plus 2 useful video clips concerning post-shingles pain (post-herpetic neuralgia). The videos are definitely worth a little of your time if you have ,or have ever had shingles and know how awful a sort of nerve pain that can be. Many people with HIV in their lives have also experienced either shingles or neuropathy and it's always worth hearing how other people have coped.

Neuropathic Pain
What is neuropathic pain? 

Chronic Pain Australia Thursday, 12 December 2013

Neuropathic pain is about a problem in the nerves. The nerves transmit signals from an injured body part, that sort of pain is called "nociceptive" as it is about tissue damage. When the nerve itself is unwell, this is called "neuropathic pain". Examples of neuropathic pain included post - shingles pain or post herpetic neuralgia, diabetic neuropathy - where nerves are damaged by diabetes, and phantom pain, where pain continues after amputation.
Post Shingles Pain - post herpetic neuralgia

Dr Malcolm Hogg spoke to us during National Pain Week 2013 to help us understand more about this painful condition.

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