Monday 13 January 2014

Explaining Neuropathy

Today's post from (see link below - no author mentioned) is another general explanation of neuropathy; what is is and what its symptoms are. It doesn't go into any great detail but is an easy-to-understand breakdown of what happens when you get this disease. It also offers a couple of non-medicinal treatment options but it is important to remember that these options are just two of many possibilities and the dismissal of standard medical treatments may be a little simplistic. Never the less, a good introduction to nerve damage as a whole.
How Does One Explain Neuropathy? 
Posted on January 4, 2014

Trying to explain a medical term can be rather tricky especially if the individual trying to do the explaining is not 100% confident that he or she knows what they are talking about. Neuropathy is a medical term that many are diagnosed with but very few actually understand what this condition means. Neuropathy, simply said, is when there is a communication breakdown between the brain and spinal cord. When there is a breakdown in communication, it is if static is being heard and the nerve endings are getting mixed messages as to what they should or should not be sensing. The brain is what communicates to the sensory nerves that the burner they are about to touch is hot and the sensory nerves communicates back to the brain that they could sense through touch that the burner is too hot. When this line of communication is not working correctly, an individual has a hard time computing when something is hot or cold, terrain changes and if injury has occurred.

Neuropathy symptoms are the body’s way of communicating that something is dreadfully wrong and in need of medical attention so it is important that the neuropathic patient knows what symptoms he or she may face. Neuropathy symptoms affect nerves that: control muscle movement also known as motor nerves, the sensory nerves which helps the body detect sensations such as hot and cold as well as affects the autonomic nerves that directly influences the health and wellbeing of internal organs such as: 

Blood Vessels

Neuropathy symptoms make it extremely difficult to walk and operate on a normal basis. The inflicted areas become overly sensitive to touch and pressure, therefore nerve pain can become so intense that neuropathic sufferers can make the mistake of becoming inactive in hopes of relieving their neuropathy pain and lessening the symptoms felt be staying off their feet. Nerve pain and symptoms can last for long periods of time unless the underlying cause for neuropathy has been discovered and treated. However, there are several causes of neuropathy that have yet to be discovered and patients are forced to continue to suffer with the following symptoms until a neuropathy cure or treatment is discovered. 

Needle-like pinching
Muscle weakness
Loss of coordination
Sensitivity to touch
Dull ache
Involuntary muscle spasms

Neuropathy symptoms differ from patient to patients based on what neuropathy classification they fall into as well as how far their neuropathy has progressed. Another deciding factor in neuropathy symptoms has to do with what caused the neuropathy diagnosis as well as which type of diagnosis one has been labeled with.

Treating The Painful Outbreaks

The most important thing a neuropathy sufferer must know is what treatment he or she can implement that will help reduce their painful outbreaks. The neuropathic patient will be faced with two treatment options a pharmaceutical one or a holistic or natural treatment. The method which involves the use of prescription medications has been known to lead toward addiction as well as complicated side effects which makes the neuropathy more difficult to live with. Alternative methods such as acupuncture and massage therapy are just two of the alternative means available to neuropathic patients. 

Massage Therapy- Massage therapy is looked at as a complimentary therapy that when used in combination with other treatments can be beneficial in reducing nerve pain. One complication of neuropathy is the development of still muscles due to poor circulation or from lack of use. Adding weekly massage therapy sessions, one can improve blood circulation as well as help loosen stiffened muscles thus providing relief to the damaged area. It appears as though research has shown through several studies that massage therapy has a way of calming the stressed nerve endings and relinquishing the pent up stress found in the nerve endings. 

Acupuncture – Acupuncture is an alternative option for treating certain ailments and condition by way of needle. Needles are strategically inserted into the body and then manipulated in order to help with blood circulation and better blood flow. Acupuncture historically is an ancient Chinese medical treatment that the Chinese believe to be a technique that is used to allow the body to flow and re-balance. Within the last three decades, acupuncture has gained popularity here in the western world and is used and recommended by many medical professionals.

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