Sunday 19 January 2014

Neuropathy Myths (Vid)

An important message in this week's video from Dr. John Hayes at (see link below). You or your doctor may not agree with all the treatments he suggests and can offer via his clinic but the message is important just the same. The point is, don't let anyone tell you that your neuropathy will clear up by itself - it won't and he is quite right that you may need to explore a variety of treatments in collusion with your doctor or specialist before you will find something that will help your symptoms improve. You need to be pro-active in your treatment and that includes finding out as much about your neuropathy yourself, therefore making your doctor's job easier. It really doesn't matter so much what has caused your neuropathy, (the end results are very similar for most neuropathy patients) but it's how you're going to make things better for yourself that's important. It's a long road and it's not always easy. You may need to try this that or the other drug, or supplement, or treatment, or a combination of those but reducing the impact of the symptoms on your daily life is where your energy needs to be concentrated.

Episode 42: Neuropathy Myths: Busted!
Thursday, January 16th, 2014 Posted by John Hayes Jr

In this weeks episode, Dr John Hayes talks with you very openly about the realities of managing your peripheral neuropathy and getting the best possible results out of your home and in clinic care. It’s important to understand that good self-care is essential however so is appropriate neuropathy treatment! Watch, learn more, don’t forget to leave your comments.

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