Wednesday 15 January 2014

New Book About Neuropathy Jan. 2014

Today's post from (see link below) is another advertisement for a new book about Neuropathy. We normally don't advertise for publishers, in the same way that we don't advertise for clinics or private companies but if the book seems to be a taking a slightly different approach, it may offer more information to its readers than the standard texts. There are many books about neuropathy available and this one does state that they aim to 'challenge' their readers, which may mean that it's difficult to read, however, ordering it via a library, or glancing through in a bookshop may help with your decision as to whether it's going to help you or not. It does discuss neuropathies associated with HIV infection, where many others avoid the subject completely.

Contemporary Issues in Peripheral Neuropathy

Editors: Daniel L. Menkes (UCHC Neurology Department, Farmington, Connecticut, USA)
Book Description:
There are many books on polyneuropathy available that are comprehensive in nature. Many of these are encyclopedic in their scope. However, there are very few books that review the basics of clinical neurophysiological testing, genetics and the commonly encountered neuropathies. There are even fewer that are willing to address less commonly encountered neuropathies such as amyloidosis and neuropathies associated with HIV infection. Many such textbooks also avoid interdisciplinary topics such as the management of pelvic floor dysfunction and the surgical treatment of compression and traumatic neuropathies. This book addresses this void by dividing this book into three distinct sections. The first three chapter section addresses basic clinical neurophysiological techniques, genetic testing and the inherited neuropathies. The larger middle section addresses acquired demyelinating neuropathies, monoclonal gammopathies, HIV neuropathy and familial amyloidosis. The final section concludes with a summary of neuropathies affecting pelvic function and a plastic surgeon’s approach to the treatment of compression and traumatic neuropathies. The authors who wrote these chapters have extensive expertise in these topics such that the literature review was comprehensive. The final chapter on the surgical treatment of compression neuropathies may be viewed as controversial by some and even heretical by others but it provides a unique perspective on the management of patients who are symptomatic and yet have relatively unremarkable clinical and electrodiagnostic investigations. The reader will find up to date information on a variety of topics; common and uncommon. This book attempts to educate as well as challenge the reader. (Imprint: Nova Biomedical)

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1. The Role of Clinical Neurophysiology in the Diagnosis of Peripheral Neuropathies
(Elisabeth Chroni, Department of Neurology, University of Patras, Greece)

Chapter 2. Role of Genetic Testing in Peripheral Neuropathy
(Charles H. Whitaker, University of Connecticut Health Center Farmington, Connecticut, USA and others)

Chapter 3. Hereditary Peripheral Neuropathies
(Meriem Tazir, Mounia Bellatache and Sonia Nouioua, Service de Neurologie, CHU Mustapha Bacha, Algiers, Algeria, and others)

Chapter 4. Guillain–Barré Syndrome
(Akiyuki Hiraga, Masahiro Mori and Satoshi Kuwabara, Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University, Japan)

Chapter 5. Evolving Concepts in the Pathogenesis of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP)
(Paolo Ripellino, Thomas Fleetwood, Roberto Cantello and Cristoforo Comi, Department of Translational Medicine, Section of Neurology and Interdisciplinary Research Centre of Autoimmune Diseases (IRCAD), Amedeo Avogadro University, Novara, Italy)

Chapter 6. Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy in Children: A Pediatric Neurologist's Perspective
(Christian Ionita, Connecticut Children's Medical Center/University of Connecticut Health Center, Connecticut, USA)

Chapter 7. Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance and Polyneuropathy
(Kam Newman, Ihab El-Hemaidi, Jagar A. Jasem and Mojtaba Akhtari, Section of Transfusion Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, USA and others)

Chapter 8. Peripheral Neuropathies in HIV Infection
(Maurizio Osio, Caterina Nascimbene, Alessandra Vanotti and Cristoforo Comi, Neurology Department. University of Milan, "L. Sacco" Hospital, Milan, Italy and others)

Chapter 9. Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy (FAP): Clinical Features, Pathophysiology, and Treatment
(Mª Teresa Tomás, Helena Santa-Clara, Élia Mateus and Estela Monteiro, Exercise and Health Laboratory, Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Human Performance, Lisbon, Portugal and others)

Chapter 10. Peripheral Neuropathy in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
(Consuelo Valles-Antuna and Jesus M. Fernandez-Gomez, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain)

Chapter 11. The Surgical Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathies: A Plastic Surgeon’s Perspective
(Sean Wolfort, Surgery Department, Florida State University, and University of Central Florida, Florida, USA)


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