Wednesday 22 January 2014

What Is Neuropathy? (Vid)

Today's video, via (see link below), is a very useful one, in that it explains neuropathy simply and yet uses the terminology you may hear from your doctor but not quite understand. Towards the end of the video, many experts may not fully agree with doctor Vinik's suggestions that if neuropathy is caught quickly enough, it can be reversed and there may also be some dispute about his suggestion that the use of certain Statin drugs may be helpful. Statins are renowned instigators of neuropathy - you may need to talk that one over very carefully with your doctor or specialist. This video is part of a long but very useful article about all aspects of neuropathy (see link below). It's a sort of 'all-you-need-to-know' article from and will provide some excellent information for those new to the disease.

What Is Neuropathy?
Dr. Aaron Vinik is a leading specialist in neuropathy and director of research, and of the neuroendocrine unit, at the Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, VA. He describes neuropathy and its management in the YouTube video below.

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