Thursday 25 September 2014

My Diabetic Neuropathy: A Personal Account

Today's post from (see link below) talks about his discovery that his diabetes had led to neuropathy and how he felt about that realisation. It's always interesting to read about other people's personal experiences with neuropathy because it helps us put our own into perspective. Whatever the cause of your neuropathy, I'm sure you will recognise elements of this story.

I Got Diabetic Neuropathy.
Published on September 18th, 2014 | by Kerry Kobashi 
For the past 4 months I’ve noticed my body screaming out in pain during the night. When lying down in bed, I have been getting harsh, quick prick like pain in my thighs, legs, and toes. Sometimes, I get it in my hands and arms but on less occasion. They come randomly, and when they hit, it freaking hurts.

During the day, when I walk, my legs and thighs would get really weak, sore and tired. Looking at myself physically in the mirror, I look in good shape. But, there is a noticeable problem of atrophy in my thighs and legs. The muscle mass is missing.

Earlier today, I went to see a neurologist and described to him my symptoms. As we talked about my situation, he basically sat there in his chair typing into a computer everything I was saying. Strangely, he never came to any conclusion what I may have. I mean, I did tell him and write on the patient information sheet that I am diabetic.

Now mind you, I was waiting during the entire office visit for him to recommend a drug to help me with my immediate pain. Yes, you know I’m in pain! Instead, the doctor wants me to go through tests including MRI LS Spine scan, and an EMG/NCV on my legs. The MRI I am to get within the next two weeks and the electro tests on my next office visit which is in two weeks.

But Doc, I’m in freaking pain!

Now, I had seen on a television commercial about a month ago a prescription drug called Lyrica. It is used to treat muscle and nerve pain caused by diabetes. I asked him about it. He responded that he will prescribe GabaPentin instead.

Late tonight, I did a little Internet research. I’m pretty sure that I have diabetic neuropathy. This is basically my nerves being damaged from high blood sugar levels from diabetes. This got me thinking. The Mayo Clinic says there is no cure for diabetic neuropathy. The only ways to make the patient feel better is to reduce the blood glucose levels by eating right and getting regular exercise. That, and prescription drugs like GabaPentin.

So I basically see no point in an MRI scan or a very painful electromyogram test where they stick electrodes on my body, insert a 2 foot long needle into my leg, and turn on the electricity (cringe). I already know what I got and its diabetic related.

Let’s see if GabaPentin (Neurontin) gets rid of the pain. I figure its going to take a few weeks to get into my system. I’ll update this post as time passes to give you, the reader, an idea of what I’m going through. I will also from time to time, write about the idea of eating foods with a low glycemic index. Talk about the index, post diabetic food recipes, exercise ideas, and tools to assist diabetics like myself.

Diabetes sucks. Let’s get through it successfully together.

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