Friday 22 January 2016

Wonder Drugs For Neuropathy Don't Exist.

Today's post from (see link below) is sage advice from Dr John Hayes jr regarding something we're all guilty of - looking for that one pill or treatment that will free us from those damned symptoms. It doesn't exist, so we should take his advice and look at all aspects of our health holistically and try to make improvements in all areas, rather than relying on the one pain killer, or alternative therapy, or exercise regime, none of which individually work. With the help of your doctor, you need to find the best drug treatment for your particular neuropathy and that means the one that reduces the symptoms to an 'able to live with' level. After that, we need to back this up by looking at our diet and life style to see if we can improve our overall condition and if need be, take advantage of the many supplements that exist (after doing your research and consulting your doctor). Then, looking at the possibilities of acupuncture, or massage or yoga techniques, or anything else that works for you, may help building up beneficial feelings both in body and mind. The point is that no single treatment is enough and what's more, you need more than a few weeks of any particular treatment (whether drug or therapy based) to see if it's beginning to work. If your doctor is unsympathetic, or doesn't take you seriously, then you need to take responsibility for your health yourself and do your research. As John Hayes says: "Become your own neuropathy treatment advocate!"

Stop Waiting for the One Magic Neuropathy “Trick” Posted by john on January 11, 2016
So what are the answers— real answers—to become a more informed neuropathy treatment consumer? Become your own neuropathy treatment advocate!

You don’t have to go far to find numerous ads and sales pages for some new magic health cure formula. Weight loss is perhaps is the best example.

Approach any serious underlying condition with curiosity, and uncover all the relative facts.

Nowhere else are there so many gimmicks, offers, and programs available for people who struggle with weight management. Of course, there are many other conditions that fall into this category.

Unfortunately, peripheral neuropathy is no exception. In fact, as I predicted back in 2009, this would be increasingly common, once people figured out good neuropathy treatment is actually possible.

As a reader of neuropathy-related health information you already understand that peripheral neuropathy and many forms of chronic pain have multiple underlying factors.

This makes them necessarily complex to evaluate and treat. This is also why looking for one simple magic formula, or pill to help cure your neuropathy problem is ineffective, at best—and dangerous, at worst.

So what are the answers— real answers—to become a more informed neuropathy treatment consumer? Become your own neuropathy treatment advocate!

You also find that this will make your doctor’s or therapist’s job of providing you an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment much easier.

In this day and age, it is not all uncommon to find patients who know more about an underlying condition than some physicians and therapists. In reality, this is a tremendous opportunity for you or a loved one with peripheral neuropathy who are seeking help.

When you approach any serious underlying condition with curiosity, and uncover all the relative facts, you’ll be far happier and ultimately much more satisfied with any at-home or in-clinic neuropathy treatment.

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