Tuesday 15 November 2016

Can Neuropathy Be Cured?

Today's post from neuropathydr.com (see link below) sees Dr John Hayes Jr asking a question that every neuropathy patient asks at some stage or other: why is the disease so damned difficult to 'cure'? The simple fact is that neuropathy cannot at this time be cured. However, if the cause of the disease is tackled and cured, then the neuropathy symptoms may diminish and shouldn't get any worse. There are no guarantees and very often it depends on how long you've had the nerve damage and how extensive that has become. It seems pretty simple when you look at it that way but as Dr Hayes points out, there are various ways of improving the impact of the symptoms, some of which work and some don't, depending on the individual and therefore, it pretty much depends on what you'd call a 'cure'. Can nerve damage be reversed? At the moment the answer is no but life can be made better by addressing the cause (if still possible) and taking a holistic view of treating the effects. One thing is sure...there are no quick fixes to neuropathy.

Why is Neuropathy so Hard to “Cure”? 
Posted by john on October 13, 2016

 This is a question we get asked a lot. And you would think there would be an easy answer. The correct answer is, “cure” depends upon what causes your particular neuropathy.

You see, there are well over a hundred different things that can cause neuropathy. If you read us on a regular basis you know that everything from infections, to certain drugs, and diseases like diabetes can cause neuropathy.

We recently talked about Lyme Disease as a cause of neuropathy. That is a good example of a condition that still gets missed in milder early cases and underlying damage gets done. That’s when neuropathy can really take hold.

Unfortunately, these conditions in and of themselves can be complicated to treat. Generally speaking, treat the underlying cause and you have a better shot at controlling and possibly “curing” the neuropathy.

This however is not always possible in cases where permanent nerve damage has been done. This commonly occurs with long-standing diabetes.

Some cases where we do see good reversals approaching a “cure” are in some of our chemotherapy cases. Not only to pain, tingling numbness, and burning get better but so do measurable changes like sensation, vibration, and skin temperatures.

This is why it’s very important to work with knowledgeable professionals. And only those with the proper training and expertise.

In any patient with neuropathy, we train our clinicians to be ever vigilant for multiple causes of neuropathy. Multiple factors in the same patient are also very common.

For example, often we have patients who smoke, eat poorly, are overweight, take Statins (cholesterol drugs) and blood pressure medications.

Each one of these is a neuropathy risk factor

So this not so hypothetical patient has FIVE factors, which may have caused individually or jointly contributed to their neuropathy.

So you can see, the more you know about neuropathy; the more you can fix, and then help yourself recover and “cure” wherever possible!

For more information on coping with neuropathy, get your Free E-Book and subscription to the Weekly Ezine “Beating Neuropathy” at http://neuropathydr.com.


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