Sunday 14 May 2017

The Difficulties Of Neuropathy Treatment

Today's post from (see link below) written by the well-known neuropathy expert, Dr John Hayes Jr, is a short article trying to explain why neuropathy treatment is so difficult. It's a question that baffles both patients and doctors alike because no one patient is the same as another and no one patient responds in the same way to treatment as another. One of his suggestions is that doctors often underestimate the effect of metabolic syndrome on the nervous system. This is a term you may not be aware of but according to the Mayo clinic, 'Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions — increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels — that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes'... and according to Dr. Hayes, also neuropathy. It may be that one of the chief causes of nerve damage is life-style related then! Now this may be true but considering there are over 100 possible direct causes of nerve damage, this has to be put into context. Metabolic syndrome is by no means the only 'life-style' cause (alcoholic neuropathy for instance). Nevertheless, this article is worth a read and will help increase your understanding of why you have those dreadful symptoms every day.

Why Is Neuropathy Treatment Difficult?
Posted by john on April 24, 2017

Neuropathy treatment can be difficult for some due to the fact that neuropathy is more than one condition.

An understandable question that we get in the clinic day after day is Why is neuropathy treatment so difficult?

As you probably know, a good portion of patients who suffer from some form of chronic intractable pain have peripheral neuropathy. One reason for this includes the fact that we’re living longer. Also, in general, our health habits as so-called modern and developed nations have become worse, not better.

There’s also one major misconception that hampers neuropathy treatment for many and that is misunderstanding that Neuropathy is actually one condition when indeed its many disorders.

Nothing, and I mean nothing can be further from the truth. You see neuropathy rarely occurs without cause. Sometimes the known causes are due to chemotherapy, cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, and other things such as liver and kidney disease.

Sometimes, neuropathy is secondary to known disease processes. One example is Lyme disease.

Most of us know that 60% to 70% of patients who have developed diabetes, ultimately also develop some form of peripheral neuropathy.

About 50% of the time we diagnose neuropathy as being idiopathic. Idiopathic means that we are not one hundred percent sure what caused the patient’s neuropathy. As we have discussed here many times before, at least half the time in idiopathic cases the cause of the neuropathy is due to metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome is so common now and occurring in younger and younger ages that it is perhaps the most devastating health condition that we as a society must face head-on. Excess sugar and carbohydrate consumption along with decreasing physical activity is having a huge impact on society as a whole.

And too often even otherwise brilliant physicians ignore this as a possible cause of the patient’s underlying health conditions. Everything from neuropathy to heart disease can directly be related to metabolic syndrome.

And that is the reason in which many patients find neuropathy treatment so difficult.

Don’t let this be you! Start today by making stronger and more informed decisions. In a nutshell, do your homework, do your research, and do everything you possibly can advocate for your health and effective neuropathy treatment!

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