Thursday 21 June 2018

Tackling Neuropathy Without Standard Drugs

Today's post from (see link below) looks at living with neuropathy from the point of view of an ex addict and bi-polar patient and as such, she explains how difficult it is to accept doctor's prescriptions that may have an adverse psychic effect. She chooses to reject the standard epilepsy and anti-depression drugs because of their obvious dangers for an addiction relapse. Instead, she uses as many natural treatments as possible to reduce the symptoms of her neuropathy (and especially, sciatica). It's a brave move because it means that strong pain killers are a no-no which means that she suffers more pain than the average neuropathy patient. Nevertheless, she achieves a measure of success using these methods, which suggests that more people may also benefit from drug-free therapies. There are of course many other 'home remedy' options - you need to explore those for yourself.

Home Remedies for Neuropathy 
by Lynne // October 22, 2017 // 2 Comments

The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in the body, when this nerve is irritated or compressed it can cause pain, numbness and tingling in the lower body.

Ever since I fell pregnant with my first baby I have suffered with sciatica neuropathy. At times it is barely noticeable and at other times it is incredibly painful and debilitating to deal with.

The nervous system is made up of two parts – the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Nerves in the peripheral nervous system send messages between the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the rest of the body.

Peripheral neuropathy (often just referred to as neuropathy) is when the peripheral nerves become disrupted or damaged.
Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy:

Neuropathy can be inherited at birth, or acquired later in life and there are many causes of acquired neuropathy.

Neuropathy can be caused by alcohol and drug abuse.

Some other common causes of neuropathy include:
systematic diseases (diabetes is the most common systematic disease that causes neuropathy)
infectious diseases
autoimmune disorders
physical trauma
kidney disorders
hormonal diseases
certain drugs (drugs for cancer, antivirals, antibiotics, anticonvulsants)
chemical imbalances caused by liver disease
vitamin deficiencies
chronic inflammation
tumors and cancer
blood diseases
exposure to toxins in heavy metals (such as arsenic, lead, thallium, mercury)
physical injuries
reptitive physical stress

Common medications for treatment of neuropathy include anti-epileptic drug, antidepressants and opioid medications.

None of these options for medications are particularly viable for me as a recoving addict with a dual diagnosis (I have bipolar disorder).

It is interesting to note that when I was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder one of the medications I was put on was an anti-epileptic drug.

Opioids are addictive so I cannot take them and I have heard that taking antidepressants when you are bipolar is not a good idea.

Any medications that I take I need to carefully evaluate and often I have to check with my psychiatrist to see if it would be safe for me to take. For these reasons I always prefer to find natural remedies for any medical problems I may be having wherever possible, including home remedies for neuropathy.

My sciatica neuropathy is a chronic problem I have had for the last 7 years and I manage it using natural remedies. If you are also suffering from neuropathy then I suggest you find a NeuropathyProgram that works for you.


Here are 10 natural remedies for neuropathy: 

1. Exercise

Exercise can be highly effective to help relive symptoms of neuropathy. Exercising regularly will improve your blood flow to all areas of your body and help to nourish your damaged nerves.

Regular walking will be very beneficial to anyone suffering from neuropathy and in particular people with type 2 diabetes.


2. Maintain Your Blood Sugar Levels

High blood sugar is very toxic for your nerves, which means that maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is vital. This can be done through regular exercise, eating a diabetic friendly diet, avoiding stress and getting enough rest.


3. Eat Nuts Every Day

Nuts are high in nutrients, including biotin (Vitamin H) which is excellent in improving the symptoms of neuropathy pain. Eating a handful of almonds, pecan nuts and walnuts every day will help to keep blood sugars level and prevent nerve damage.


4. Essential Oils for Neuropathy

Essential oils are well known for their amazing healing properties and can help to soothe some of the symptoms of neuropathy. You can add essential oils to your creams and lotions to be absorbed into your body, or add some essential oils to your bath.

These are great essential oils to try:
Lavendar essential oil
Rosewood essential oil
Peppermint essential oil
Helichrysum essential oi
Ylang Ylang essential oil
Eucalyptus essential oi

5. Mustard Oil

Mustard oil has heating energy that can stimulate your nerves , improving nerve function. Massage the mustard oil onto the affected areas in circular motions until it is absorbed into your skin to stimulate blood flow. 

6. Vitamin B12

Increase your Vitamin B12 intake by eating enough meat, dairy and seafood. You can also consider taking a Vitamin B12 supplement, especially if you are vegan or vegetarian. There are some vegan foods that are fortified with B12 such as some soy products, plant milk and some cereals.


7. Acupuncture for Neuropathy

Acupuncture can be very helpful in the treatment of neuropathy. Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine, originating from Chinese Traditional Medicine, where needles are inserted into the body to unblock energy flow in the body.

8. Massage for Neuropathy

Massage is known to have incredible health benefits, including pain relief and also increasing blood circulation which will help to bring much needed nutrients to your nerves.

9. Body Stress Release for Neuropathy

Body Stress Release is the main way that I currently treat my sciatica neuropathy, along with some of the above mentioned home remedies. Body Stress Release is a natural therapy that releases the built up physical stress in the body. 

10. Avoid Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking

Alcohol and drugs may have caused your problem in the first place, but even if that isn’t so for you, it would be wise to avoid alcohol and drugs since they will just make the problem worse and prevent treatments from working.

If you are an addict in active addiction, just know that neuropathy is one physical complication that your addiction can cause, along with plenty of other physical effects and damages that you are causing to your body.

While my sciatica neuropathy was first noticeable when I fell pregnant, the damage could have first started with my heavy alcohol and drug use (as well as smoking) in the past and then being pregnant just set it off.

Smoking also adds to worsen neuropathy so consider quitting smoking if you are a smoker. Smoking restricts your blood flow and also has a negative effect on blood sugar levels.

I hope that these home remedies for neuropathy are helpfiul to you. If you have anything to add that helps with your neuropathy please add them in the comments.

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