Saturday 21 July 2018

Do Neuropathy Treatments That Claim To Work, Actually Do The Job?

The title of today's short post from (see link below) may lead you to expect a list of neuropathy treatments that really work but Dr. John Hayes has done this deliberately to lead you to a more important message. He maintains that doctors need to treat the underlying causes of the nerve damage as much as possible before going on to prescribe medications and therapies to dampen the symptoms. He argues for a carefully-thought out and constructed treatment plan for each patient but only after everything possible has been done to address the original cause(s). Basically he's saying that there simply isn't a list of neuropathy treatments that really work - it doesn't exist because every patient is different but using a combination of medications and therapies must be the best way forward and this blog agrees.
Neuropathy Treatments That Really Work
by john | Apr 19, 2018

Which neuropathy treatments may really work? Well, that so often depends upon what’s going on “underneath”. Which is why it is SO important to have a very comprehensive diagnostic work up FIRST. Guess work and internet “magic” fads are just plain dangerous.

Peripheral Neuropathy is the term used for the group of conditions that affect those nerves outside the brain and spinal cord.

Along with other forms of long standing pain, neuropathy is a major source of aggravation and loss of work. Billions of dollars a year are spent dealing with the devastation it can bring.

Twenty million plus people suffer from this condition, with several thousand new patients every year. And if we count the people who suffer from daily pain, that number well exceeds one hundred million.

There are many causes. The most common is in fact lifestyle related due to lack of fitness, obesity and metabolic syndrome.These also bring along the complications of their causes like diabetes or cancer. The most serious are genetic diseases.

And here lies the secret answer to better helping our neuropathy patients! The best treatments target the underlying problems whenever that is possible! And where it’s not, looking at legitimate studies and evidence to support a rational plan of care for you.

I know you understand how miserable life with neuropathy can be because you are reading this article. Maybe it’s for yourself, maybe it’s for someone you love very much.

You have seen just how miserable it can be! For some, its loss of sleep and being able to do the things they love. For others, the prospect of facing yet another day or sleepless night of pain, tingling numbness and burning is terrifying.

You just don’t know what to do!

Recently, even major medication trials have been stopped because of poor neuropathy treatment results.

That is just why we publish our series of articles talking in detail about some real solutions to this huge problem.

But most importantly, always touching base with the real simple things you can do to help take charge of your health and improve the quality of your life no matter where you are right now.

If we can help you in any way, please post your comments or visit our growing Facebook family of friends where we’ll be sharing every day.

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