Wednesday 8 May 2013

Leisure Activities Impaired By Neuropathy

Today's short post from (see link below) is from a site which tries to provide solutions to everyday problems living with neuropathy. It talks about how neuropathy can impact negatively on our hobbies and leisure activities to the extent that you may give them up but emphasises how important it is to keep the muscles as active as possible, in order to avoid wastage and weakness. The list of treatments at the end of this post, is a list of non-prescription drug treatments. (You will find the traditional medical drug treatments on the list to the right of this blog).

Are Your Hobbies Threatened By Neuropathy?
Posted on May 4, 2013

Neuropathy is not a condition that one would want. Neuropathy is a condition of the nerves that causes extreme limitations to one’s ability to move without extreme pain and difficulty. When neuropathy takes up residence in one’s extremities painful sensations such as tingling, burning, numbness and needle like pricking all begin to create limitations that hinder one’s quality of life.

Normal everyday activities and hobbies become threatened as neuropathic pains creep in and begin to signal painful sensations throughout the damaged nerves. Household responsibilities as simple as washing dishes become bothersome and painful. Fun leisure activities like dancing and walking on the beach become sidelined until something can be done about the chronic pain. Neuropathy has no known cure so the only way an individual is able to gain control over his or her nerve pain symptoms is through treatment, but if one refuses to seek treatment his or her extremities begin to stiffen and lose their ability move.

Don’t Go There

When muscles are not exercised (or even used), they become stiff and lose their range of motion. Neuropathy can cause muscle weakness as well as muscle stiffness which means if not treated neuropathy could lead an individual into a life of immobility and complete loss of freedom. The pain and symptoms that are common place with neuropathy limit one’s mobility and ability to function in normal life situations. For instance, numbness is a symptom of neuropathy and can limit the patient’s ability to sense or feel terrain changes – risking further injury. Neuropathy symptoms have an implication on one’s social, vocational and functional life possibly causing the neuropathy patient to suffer with feelings of anxiety and depression so don’t go there – get treatment.

Neuropathic sufferers have several neuropathy treatment options at their disposal that should be taken advantage of such as:

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
Low Impact Exercise
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Massage Therapy
Topical Creams
Prescription Medication
Natural Alternatives
Vitamin Supplements
Vitamin B
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D
Oat straw
Passion Flower

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