Tuesday 7 May 2013

Neuropathy Treatments

Today's post from neuropathytreatment.co (see link below) talks generally about many of the various treatments that are available for neuropathic symptoms. The seasoned neuropathy patient will be aware of much of this information but for people relatively new to the problem, this provides a useful summary of how the symptoms are currently treated.

Getting the Treatment for Neuropathy Correct – Medications and Guide

The definition of neuropathy simply states that there is a pathological disturbance or changes in the nervous system. It is an accumulation of illnesses that takes place when a nerve or part of the peripheral nervous system is impaired. This state is called peripheral neuropathy. The neuropathic pain conditions manifest numbness in both feet and hands. Typically, it is the effect brought about by infections, being exposed to toxins, injuries that are traumatic, or disorders that are metabolic. Primarily, the number one reason for having neuropathy is diabetes.

In peripheral neuropathy treatments, it is important to learn how to handle its condition. It should be the proper way of pain management treatment since on its own, it has the ability to improve. Speaking of best pain relief, there are several types of medicines in the market. For mild symptoms, over the counter pain medications will do the job.

Causes of Neuropathy
Because diabetes is the topmost factor in developing neuropathy, people who have this disease have the need to control their blood sugar. There are other risk factors to this disease including those who have autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. Likewise, those who have undergone organ transplants, problems with immune system, disorders of liver, kidney and thyroid, and those suffering from AIDS have greater risks of catching neuropathy. Apart from these, people who are abusive of alcohol and people who have deficiencies in vitamins, specifically vitamin B, are candidates for neuropathy.

Neuropathy Signs and Symptoms
The signs and symptoms are dependent on the location of the nerve damage neuropathy whether autonomic, sensory, or motor. Many types of neuropathy have diverse effects on these nerves where some develop abruptly while others do so gradually through the years.

The infliction on the motor neuropathy mostly insinuates symptoms affecting the muscles where it will be difficult to run or walk. It leads to a feeling of heaviness in the legs as it may tire easily or stumble. In its effect on the hands, doing tasks like carrying bags, turning door knobs, or opening jars will become arduous.

Autonomic nerve damage, on the other hand, affects those internal organs that make an abnormal blood pressure and irregular heart rate, constipation, diarrhea, and other dysfunctions. Sensory nerve damage also causes diverse symptoms like numbness, pinching, tingling, and faulty sense of positioning. These nerve pain symptoms usually characterize freezing, burning, or electric-like sensations. However, this sensory pain nerve damage can lead to diminishing sensations without feeling anything.

Neuropathy Treatments
More often than not, peripheral neuropathy is not easily diagnosed because its symptom can have numerous other possible causes. Full medical history including physical and neurological evaluation to check tendon reflexes, strength of muscles, ability to feel, and posture assessment are part of the initial diagnostic process. Common laboratory tests should be conducted like urinalysis, blood tests, thyroid function tests, and electromyography. Nerve biopsy is also sometimes recommended.

Moreover, there are diverse medicines that induce pain relief for neuropathy. Pills and creams are great nerve pain treatment options while special diets and therapies can tremendously excite the nervous system. The promising neuropathic pain treatments are antidepressants like tricyclics and selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. For non-depressed individuals, it is a remarkable relief and help with neuropathic pain.

Anticonvulsants are another type of medicine that is generally prescribed by pain management doctors for neuropathy. It reduces the pain by blocking the calcium channels on neurons. Although a less favorable medicine for peripheral neuropathy treatment are opioids since it may lead to dependency, it is found to be an effective pain reliever.

Physicians recommend Lidocaine as a treatment for post-herpes neuralgia, another kind of neuropathy. Capsaicin is another chemical that is known to treat neuropathy. Chemicals that are used as an alternative therapy include Cannabinoids, a kind of chemical in marijuana, Botox, Ketamine, and dietary supplements like Benfotiamine and Alpha Lipoic.

Anti-seizure medicines that were originally intended to treat epilepsy are also prescribed as pain relievers like Gabapentin, Topiramate, and Pregabalin, among others. As a precaution for those taking these medicines, dizziness and drowsiness may be experienced.

Therapy for neuropathy includes yoga, meditation, accupunture, chiropractic massages, and cognitive therapy where patients are taught to improve their skills in modifying their beliefs, organizing their thoughts, enhancing their behavour towards others, and undergoing behavioral changes.

The neuromodulator is another kind of neuropathy therapy which consists of implantable and non-implantable technologies or simply electrical and chemical. They last longer but do not work with synapses, the small gap in between neurons whose purpose is to make the trend of information in one direction only. Instead, neuromodulators are discharged around the axon into the intercellular fluid.

Lastly, assistive devices are also of great use for neuropathy pain relief. Because of the damage in the nerve, it can truly result in extreme pain and can weaken the muscles. Canes or splints are crucial devices as well to help the patient move around with lesser pain. There are also chairs and tables that are ergonomically designed for patients in pain.


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