Friday 27 December 2013

A Thousand Articles About Neuropathy In One Place!

One Thousand Neuropathy Posts For Millions Of Sufferers Of Nerve Damage
Dave R. December 27th 2013

Today's post is somewhat of a celebration of this blog. This is the 1000th daily post about neuropathy that this blog has presented! It started as a means of helping people living with neuropathy find accurate and unbiased information easily and on one website. It was initially aimed at HIV patients living with neuropathy as an extra burden but because the nature of the disease means that neuropathy can affect so many people irrespective of the cause, in the same way, the site has become all-inclusive for all people suffering from nerve damage. The alphabetical list to the right of the blog, will give you information from reputable sources about almost everything to do with neuropathy and can be used as a reference source. Of course as time goes on, treatments and research move on with it and this blog attempts to bring you all the latest findings, theories and treatments, as they happen. Judging by the responses from all over the world, this has been a success and nearly 210,000 visitors since the beginning three years ago, have indicated that neuropathy is by no means the marginalized disease that many think it is (20 million Americans can testify to that!)

In September 2013, the blog was awarded a certificate of health information trustworthiness. This is quite an achievement as those who have applied for this certificate have found. Their standards are extraordinarily high and their demands for quality of information and complete impartiality make this certificate highly sought after on the Internet medical website circuit. (Check credentials top right of this blog)

This blog refuses to advertise for clinics, or private practices, medical companies or pharmaceutical businesses. It prefers to remain objective and will only publish objective material. There are so many fakers and con men out there, who are only too happy to relieve you of your hard earned money, while offering fake and sometimes dangerous concoctions to relieve your neuropathy. If you see a website banner that claims they can cure neuropathy, please ignore it - they can't and at the moment, nobody can. Neuropathy has over 100 sorts and over 100 causes and at the moment, nerve damage cannot be cured, only the symptoms can be relieved in some cases and for some people. These companies and private practices thrive on the misery of desperate people driven to try anything to relieve the pain and discomfort they're feeling. Always check your information. If you see an article here claiming this that or the other; Google it and double check elsewhere, preferably on a reputable website and always try to involve your doctor in your research - doctors are often at a loss too as to what to do and if you can bring new findings to the table, with some proof attached, they should be only too willing to enter a partnership with you to help with your problems.

Finally, it has been a pleasure gathering information from all over the world to try to support people living with neuropathy. Please feel free to use the comment facility above the page, to add your own findings, theories or anything that you feel will benefit other people in the same situation as yourself. We are a community living with a disease that is still largely unrecognised by the media and public as a whole - we need to get the message out that there are millions of people across the world in trouble but sharing information is one way to speed up the process towards a cure, or at least efficient treatments.

Here's to the next 1000 posts

Dave Richardson

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